
On life and its vagaries

Posts Tagged ‘sink


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Deep somewhere within my land

Lies  the mystical Kaamarupa

Those who go in never return

To tell their tale again

Have I been to that land?

I often ask myself.

Did I ever feel inclined,

To tread those sands so quick,

That one can sink one’s soul,

Without even remarking ……?

In dream’s whose silken tendrils

Blossom with unknown flowers

In a light so soft, silvery and vague

Did I cross the recess

Never to return?

Angels fragrant with ardor

Could have enticed me to enter

Those portals shuddery and toxic…..

That I am still wandering-

Within, with no one to rescue

Why else arise these fleeting forms,

Surreal, so slippery and flimsy

To haunt me and stalk me still

Though I drive them silently away?